Business Models Empowering Rural Social Entrepreneurship ‑ voicing the rural norm

Where public efforts and private companies do not reach, local communities often place their hopes in initiatives from local social entrepreneurs. Now the differences and similarities in social entrepreneurship in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Ireland will be studied.

Our aim

The project will transfer and develop better adapted business models, support structures and conditions for rural social enterprises. It will enhance transnational knowledge and learning of social enterprises, create networks to better connect social entrepreneurs with support. This goal is to achieve for better opportunities for people who want to develop sustainable entrepreneurship and community services to promote a development where it is possible to live and work in the whole of NPA area.

Why is the project important?

“There is a need for simple, easily-adapted tools to make their social impact sustainable and legitimate as local value contributors. When community functions are centralised, they often disappear from more peripheral parts of a region. This is when local initiatives can create opportunities for especially young people and women to stay in the countryside as entrepreneurs, or for those who have moved away to return, so providing support around starting a rural enterprise can be crucial in enabling them to move back.” Yvonne von Friedrichs, project leader MERSE

Project motivation

The effects of structural change processes vary in different parts of the world and globalisation in society has made it even more important to discuss the conditions for sustainable regional and local development. The services provided by social enterprises in remote rural areas both enhance liveability for local people and the quality of the visitor experience.  The objective of MERSE is to make it easier to start and develop social enterprises (SE) in rural NPA areas. The project will transfer and develop better adapted business models, support structures and conditions for rural SE, enhance transnational knowledge and learning of SE, create networks to better connect social entrepreneurs with supports. With the transnational cooperation between regions in the five NPA countries Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Ireland we will be able to exchange and compare country-specific knowledge and experiences on contextual social entrepreneurship.  With this supply of new skills for community entrepreneurs and business advisors the prerequisites for social entrepreneurship will strengthened regions in the sparsely populated NPA area, this will lead to better opportunities for people who want to develop sustainable entrepreneurship and community services to promote a development where it is possible to live and work in the whole of NPA area. Changes occur through active ownership within the project organisation; collaboration between actors and organisations based on joint-knowledge formation interspersed with action; development-oriented action that leads to multiplier effects.  Conducting interactive sharing and co-creating place-based best-practices, analyses similarities and differences, the project will search for gaps that different unique models and examples can fill for each other and support transformative knowledge across borders.


June 31, 2023 - July 31, 2026



Total budget: 1.703.053,34 EUR

The financial support received from Interreg NPA: 1.068.262,16 EUR

The financial support received from Region Jämtland Härjedalen: 99.468 EUR

The financial support received from Region Västernorrland: 99.468 EUR

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