
Project partners met in Faroe Islands

The second partner and stakeholder meeting of the SUB project was held last month in the Faroe Islands.


At the stakeholder event, representatives from tourism Jóhan Pauli Helgason, Visit Faroe and city authorities Barbara Mikkelsen spoke about the situation of cycling in the Faroe Islands, especially in the capital, Torshavn. Cycling tourism is still new to the area and sparks a lot of discussion. Challenges to developing cycling include narrow streets, a high number of cars relative to the population, tunnels, and drivers' unfamiliarity with cyclists. To reduce car usage, locals are increasingly encouraged to use bicycles and the available free public transportation.


Representative from the event venue, Hotel Hafnia, Paetur Trond Thomsen, and Anu Nylund from Mood of Finland (participated remotely from Finland) spoke about responsible and sustainable tourism and the impact of tourism on the well-being of regions.


Each partner area representative presented the current situation of cycling tourism in their area. The situation analyses were based on several regional interviews conducted earlier in the year.
The project partners also met with Torshavn's mayor, Heðin Mortensen, local cycling tourism entrepreneurs, and visited the diverse Nordic House.
Cycling tourism and its development are intriguing topics. Thirty-six people attended the stakeholder event, with a total of 16 listeners online from various countries.
The project visit was also noted in local news.

SUB news and events


Project partners met in Faroe Islands