
First steps into more youth-inclusive SUB

As it is #EUYouthWeek and Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic program is also about sharing the best practices within the NPA regions, we wanted to share how we kicked-off our journey of involving young minds in SUB activities.


The first step was to brainstorm some ideas as a team, as we had basically zero ideas on how to involve the youth or more importantly, who we mean by youth. Using the Starbursting technique we delved into questions of who, what, why, when, how and where. We first generated questions and then answers related to youth involvement.

The brainstorming session was just the beginning, but it yielded some good questions that will support us in developing more youth-inclusive SUB. One question that emerged few times was "Why are youth important for our project". Here's our conclusion based on the short but productive brainstorming session:

Youth present the future minds of our regions. It is important to involve the youth as they are the ones that will be working with the results in the long run. By amplifying youth voices, we gain diverse perspectives, fresh ideas and broaden our perspective.

Stay tuned as we continue our journey towards greater youth engagement and participation in our project!

SUB events and news


First steps into more youth-inclusive SUB