Want to know more about the project and what we do? Feel free to drop us a line.


If you are curious about what is happening in the project in your country, contact our local partners in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Ireland or Iceland and and check out their project websites. Or just contact the lead partner, who should know about everything that happens in the project!

Lead Partner

University of Oulu

University of Oulu is an international science university, which creates innovation and knowledge through multidisciplinary research and education. The project is implemented at the University of Oulu by Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Unit of the Faculty of Technology.

Project Partner

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Norwegian Univeristy of Science and Technology (NTNU) is an international oriented university with headquarters in Trondheim and campuses in Gjøvik and Ålesund. The project is implemented at NTNU by Department of International Business.

Project Partner

Western Development Commission

Western Development Commission (WDC) is a regional development body that promotes social and economic development in the Western Region of Ireland.

Project Partner

National University of Ireland Galway

Founded in 1845, University of Galway has earned international recognition as a research-led university with a commitment to top quality teaching.

Project Partner


MarEco is an Icelandic SME involved in design, production and sale of fishing material, most importantly trawl doors and ropes.

Project Partner

Municipality of Sotenäs

Sotenäs Symbioscentrum, owned by the municipality of Sotenäs, operates Sweden's only marine recycling center that recycles end-of-life fishing gear.