
GLOW2.0 Finnish partner visited Syrjävaara Good Night Oy's facility in Kaavi municipality

Olli Reijonen, an entrepreneur familiar with astronomical objects, viewing, and photography, has established a dark sky protection area at his old family farm. Light pollution has no impact on the area so visitors to the site can experience complete darkness, among other, also get acquainted with variations of the astronomical objects including northern lights which you wouldn’t imagine exists.


Olli Reijonen, an entrepreneur familiar with astronomical objects, viewing, and photography, has established a dark sky protection area at his old family farm. Light pollution has no impact on the area so visitors to the site can experience complete darkness, among other, also get acquainted with variations of astronomical objects, including northern lights which one wouldn’t imagine exists. The facility is located on the border of North Savo and North Karelia.

Reijonen organises star and northern lights photography courses for customers at his farm. With his guidance and advice, it is also possible for those interested in night photography to save time and money that could otherwise go in testing different equipment before settling for the right one. At the facility, one can learn and test through his guidance different equipment for observing and photographing celestial phenomena, easing decision making and guiding the person(s) to buy only what they need.

During good weather, one can also experience naked-eye gazing, but there is also possibilities for this from his self-built yard observatory with all kinds of other handy equipment. On the ground floor of the observatory, there is an exhibition space where one can immerse self in various objects and photographs related to space and the starry sky.

Reijonen's expertise in storytelling, combined with experiences, transports listeners into the immersive journey of space.



Exciting Update from GLOW2.0 Project!