
Have you met Gus the Gull?

Gus the Gull is the spokesperson of the CIRCNETS project who shares with you the latest news of the project. Gus publishes the Gull Bulletin Newsletter...


Meet the mascot of the CIRCNETS

Do you know, who is the most trustworthy reporter out there, who knows what is happening in the world of CIRCNETS? Well, that is of course our very own Gus the Gull. Gus, who loves seafood and is a passionate fisherman, sets the record straight when it comes to the latest news from the world of CIRCNETS. Gus is the editor-in-chief of the Gull Bulletin, which tells you about what has been going on in CIRCNETS lately. Head down to the Resources section of the website to download and read the first edition of the Gull Bulletin!

Blue Circular Nets


Two CIRCNETS Events Included in the European Maritime Day in My Country Programme