National Controllers & Controllers
Controllers are responsible for verifying main project expenditure and implementation. The work of the controllers is coordinated by National Controllers in each country.
What we do
Controllers are responsible for checking that main project expenditure is eligible according to the Interreg NPA Eligibility Rules, European regulations, and national legislation. The procedures for controllers vary from one Programme partner country to another. Each partner should refer to the control system of the country where it is located, regardless of the Lead Partner’s location. Guidance can be found in the Programme Manual. In Sweden, Finland, Ireland, and Iceland the control systems are centralised, whereas decentralised systems operate in Norway, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. Information on national controllers can be found below. In decentralised countries, it is the national controllers who approve a controller for each project partner and who introduce them to the task. Partners may incur costs for the control of the project expenditure. In such cases, the costs for the control will normally be charged to the project, and will be considered an eligible project cost.
Ms Gunnleyg Árnafjall
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, E-mail:
Ms Marika Kipinoinen
Regional Council of Lapland, E-mail:
Ms Kirsi Pulkamo
Regional Council of Lapland, Email:
Ms Dorthe Paaske Rasmussen
Government of Greenland, Ministry of Business and Trade, E-mail:
Ms Erla Hrund Þórarinsdóttir
Icelandic Regional Development Institute (Byggðastofnun), E-mail:
Mr Magnús Helgason
Icelandic Regional Development Institute (Byggðastofnun), E-mail:
Mr Michael Buckley
Southern Regional Assembly, E-mail:
Ms Carmel Carrick
Northern and Western Regional Assembly, E-mail:
Mr. Knut-Ove Nordås
Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, Email:
Mr Urban Karlsson
County Administrative Board of Västerbotten, E-mail:
Besides checks made by the identified controllers and the programme administration, there might also be additional checks organised by the partner country and performed on the project by an auditor, on the basis of an appropriate sample to verify the expenditure declared.
Document retention
Project documents and project accounts with supporting documentation should be kept available for audit purposes for a period of five years following the end of the calendar year when the final payment was made, or longer if it is stipulated in national rules applicable to the project partner. Photo credit: Håvard Rødsand