Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic

An EU funding programme supporting cooperation between remote and sparsely populated communities in the northernmost part of Europe on matters of shared interest. Together we turn ideas into sustainable solutions to improve the quality of life of people living in the NPA.

Report a concern

We are keen to fight fraud or fraudulent behaviour within our programme. The programme offers a large set of rules outlined in our Programme Manual, which clearly define what is considered eligible and what is not. We always welcome concerns shared by our stakeholders. Concerns reported through our whistleblower procedure should be linked to fraud or fraudulent behaviour. This includes dubious eligibility of expenditure, beneficiaries deliberately avoiding correct procurement of goods and/or services, mismatch between project activities reported as completed and the real status of implementation, and other issues.

Submitting your concern

If you have a concern which you would like to bring to our attention, you can do so in two ways via email to Please use the subject line: "I have a concern to share".

Note: If you wish to maintain complete anonymity, you can create a free email account for this purpose only. A number of providers offer free email accounts, such as Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.

Please elaborate as much as possible when writing your concern and please attach any relevant documentation you might have.


What should not be reported

This procedure has it limits. For example, you should not report internal project disputes through this mechanism unless they violate programme rules. Instead, we recommend you to find a solution internally or seek advice from your designated Desk Officer.

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