
Nine projects ready to take off!

In the 4th call for proposals a total of 9 projects were approved. Currently in the contracting phase, the newest Interreg NPA projects will start from September 2024. Here is a brief introduction to each of them!


With the latest 9 projects approved, more than 6 million EUR were allocated, bringing the total funding commitment to all types of projects to 21.8 million eur, or 46% of the total programme budget for projects.

The approved projects cover all three programme priorities. Three projects were approved under Priority 1- Innovation capacity, two under Priority 2 - Climate change and resource sufficiency, and 4 under Priority 3 Cooperation opportunities.

Below an overview of each approved project per Priority.

Priority 1 - Innovation Capacity

Three projects were approved in this priority, to help small companies become greener and more innovative, develop digital solutions to simplify the life of citizens, organisations, and SMEs.

Priority 2 - Climate Change and Resource Sufficiency

Two projects are approved in this priority to help improve the way people use energy and reduce greenhouse gasses, or prepare communities better for climate change and disasters.

Priority 3 - Cooperation Opportunities

Four projects are approved in this priority to strengthen cooperation skills and foster collaboration across communities and small organisations.

All projects are in the contracting phase. More information and individual websites will be published from September.

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